. >> before you start buying tickets on fandango, let's see how much money was made here.e gld at the time of the trade, you would have made 10%. brian captures the full value of the spread and that was almost 80%. should you hold gold going into next week? let's call to the charts with the man who made the golden call in the first place. carter, what do you see for gold? >> we like it long here. let's look at the charts. this is the last year or so. we know gold has plunged from 1,800 down to 1180. it really got ugly and dropped 15% in about three days, $170 an ounce from 1,350 to the 1,180 low. will you spend a little time stuck here to those people are content to get their money back and they're wanting to get out. you remove the supply and you can advance further and we think ultimately where we're going is up back to the channel that it was in before the really ugly staff started. we think, 1,395, 1,400 and at that time it's time to basically call it an even out, just get flat. >> with that said, brian, what would you do? >> we run on macro economic theoretical model