. >> what a fantastic kwliidea. i hadn't thought about it that way. again, a luge advantage to an industry, that other companies wouldn't have had. >> it could be. mark could make a few calls and say all their -- >> invest in the internet. may i please get in the fast lane. >> are you taking any sort of political stance on neutral or a not neutral internet? >> i don't know, it's so exhausting because there's so many things, patent reform, immigration, that it seems impossible to get progress done. so when you're working on a start-up, we're working on so many things for the next six months. we launched our iphone app, we need to do an ipad app. we're thinking of the next six months, trying to reform government stuff. that's on a multi-year time scale. for start-up, it started immaterial because we're probably going to succeed or fail before these things come to a culmination. >> i wanted to ask with your founders head on, there's been a lot in the past few days, a lot in the past few months about the impact on the big tech companies who do lots of bus