there are her psychologil faors that may contribute to the onset of schizophrenia. chdhood experiences, unconscious conflicts, the natur some time,mily-- al, e usal factors. one itional the if conoveral viewily-- al, is the concept of the schizophrenogenic family in which overprotectiv or rejecting qualities the parents, especially theother, are thght to be associated schizophrenia in the child. the first theory was advanced by some of the earlier psychoanalytic theorists, and al about thschizophrenia as a result of certain famildynamics. it'shat we refer to asthe sch, e schizophrenogenic mother, or schizophrenogenic father, referring to schizophrenia caused by mother, father, family. to indicate that there is some vality, again,ce in this theory, in some cases. this idea, that the family constellation and its dynamics is the major cause has cently been mofied. a broader approach to the roles has been developed. imptant question that'she roles come out of more modern thinking in terms of psychopathology and psychology is whether possibly that an impairnt in a child