it is also alumni glenn, as far as california state university chico is concerned. with the discovery of gold not to source out from here -- not too far south from here and the inability to keep that secret, the news quickly spread. the ratio of settlers to native shift,began to radically whereas prior to the gold rush, there would have been somewhere on the order of under 5000 settlers in all of california. by 1855, that would have skyrocketed to above 40,000 settlers. fraught.ions were not for every group at every moment, but there was a profound sense of racism towards native people. wasgeneral epithet used subhuman, quasi-city at -- quasi-sentient because they didn't have the technology the colonists considered standard. is not because they were not clever enough to figure it out. it is because those things were irrelevant to their daily lives. on the coast, when their type went out, the table was set. in as part of the north central valley, the mass crops of acorns provided a very important calorie rich food source for them. dear, small animals and insects were