d.b.i. and getting people talking and people that were observing this from the outside, bringing people together and talking and moving forward as far as jobs that they're hired and paid to do was jeremy over here. and i would like to thank him for that. he was the real george mcgovern of diplomacy, so thank you. >> ok, do we have any public comment on 10 a? item 10 b is future meetings and ageneral dass. our next meeting is scheduled for the third wednesday of january. commissioner hechanova? vice president hechanova: has there been potential or proposed date for the joint planning and -- >> small business, that was put off until january and no date yet. i will let you know as soon as i know anything. i'll contact those people again. i think once they tried during the holidays and decided that wasn't going to work, it kind of fell through the cracks. once the holidays are over that, will get back on track. vice president hechanova: thank you. >> any public comment on future meetings or agendas? seeing none. item number 11, adjournment. >> motion to adjourn. >> second. >> all those in favor? >> aye. >> it is now 11:25. i'm robert ch