and he was before farad, he was teaching before farad. i think farad- oh, i didn't finish my explanation on- much earlier, you lost patience and the time was running out; i could understand it, i didn't try to finish it. but now, if you don't mind, i'll finish it. >> oh, please. >> yeah. what i was wanting to say about farad is that his idea was really a scheme- a scheme, a plot, a trick- to get us to believe that we were getting a legitimate religion, and to hold us with that until we become more literate and understand reality better, more intellectually curious, and that we would see the ridiculousness- he intentionally made his religion very ridiculousness- that we would see the ridiculousness, and we would say, "oh, this can't be. but why would this man do this?" and the smarter ones would say, "oh, this was a scheme to get us out of that condition, into a new situation where we could make our own decisions- at least take us from there, and free us from that condition, and put us in a situation where we could make our own decision."