the original designs are by karl fardman. oh, fardman. do you know fardman? love in a fardman. well, if you call that living. [laughs] -♪ desperado -[the eagles' "desperado" playing] wouldn't it be great if fardman designed shoes? brett? don't you think that would be great? -brett? -after the song, babe. -huh? -this song. ♪ oh, you're a hard one so when do i meet this jerk? he's not a jerk, jer. he only works with karl fardman. -who? -i don't know. some designer. anyway, brett is so generous. and sensitive. last night, he was moved just listening to a song. -what song? -"desperado." -"desperado"? -uh-huh. and you're still dating him? i'll tell you who sounds a little desperado. see that salesman twirling that umbrella? -uh-huh. -i invented that. that had to be invented? when i started out as a comedian, i sold umbrellas. it was my idea to twirl it to attract customers. [scoffs] oh, really? well, why don't we ask him about it? -elaine. -excuse me. hey, how you doing? um, my, uh, friend here says that he invented that little twirl you're doing. elaine, please. it