farhad manjoo is a tech columnist for the "new york times," who has been closely covering facebook. oins me to talk about this issue, and other questions facing the company's role. farhad, so let's first-- today's news. how significant is this? >> i think it's significant. i mean it's a significant sort of step up in their ability to monitor these videos, and it should help. the way it works is there's lots of videos going on, on facebook all the time. if somebody sees something that looks bad, that looks like it may be criminal or some other, you know, terrible thing, they flag it, and the flagged videos go to these reviewerses, and just having more of these reviewerses should make the whole process faster. it should help. i mean, i think the question is why it took them a year to do this. >> sreenivasan: put the scale in perspective here. if they have 1.2 billion active users a month-- or whatever it is they talk about-- even at one half of 1%, if they wanted to harm themselves and put this on facebook. that's six million people. how do these 7,000 stop that? >> yeah, i mean, the w