shop, the postal code is automatic, automatic, the postal code of nadershah and a certain city on farhad street i say yes , yes, a text message is coming to come to such and such, because i promised that you want to visit the shop at this address , i am correct, i am correct. that you stay at home for 48 hours, you are with me, he will come and check with prior arrangement , you are still here, you are still here. renting an unregistered device must be verified cheshmi comes to adam and adam's facebook and the post office, and the same should be done yesterday at the latest, assuming that all the documents are complete, all the documents are ready and there are no problems with his business in this neighborhood, he will get a permit in a few days. the address of the network plus the rest of the necessary inquiries will be done for 182 days without knowing it, just without knowing it, it is no longer necessary for a soldier to look for his military card and take a photo if the scanner is not found. if you use it, you will be healthy if the environment has taken it, it can ask for a photo, and i