the lovely and amazing and beautiful anna faris. >> jimmy: yeah. and you actually -- you want to propose to her and all that stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: gosh, she is so funny. she is so funny. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it's kind of -- the movie is so charming. and it's different love triangles, stuff like that. and after -- after college what do you do? and all this stuff and it's like, parties in people's backyards, stuff like that. but here's the coolest part, i think, of this. you're supposed to marry anna in this movie, and you don't. [ laughter ] maybe, maybe. but -- >> well, there's -- there is -- yeah. there's a scene where my character -- where i'm proposing to her character in the movie. i don't think i'm giving away too much by saying that. and there's this proposal where, you know, i get down on one knee. and i present her a ring, and this is a gal that i was like crazy about her work. and i met her, and i was like, "oh, my gosh." i just couldn't -- i couldn't keep my eyes off her like, i knew where she was onset all the time. >> jimmy: like,