farida brown.id brown is with us tonight. >> it's a blessing your mother is recovering, she's going to be okay. how is she doing tonight. >> she's doing much better. she is mentally drained still. she woke up this morning in better spirits than she was yesterday. the realization of what happened is setting in now. it's going to be a trying period for him or her. >> what she saw is something that none of us can imagine, she's at church, at the 11:00 a.m. service, what did she tell you about what happened in that church yesterday morning. >> she was at church just like any other sunday. out of nowhere shots started coming through the windows. then the shooter came in through the front doors, and the sunday schoolteacher sitting next to her yelled, get on the floor, she got on the floor. a lady sitting to her left also got on the floor. the sunday schoolteacher left and she doesn't know what happened to him the shooter came into the church and started shooting everyone. and people were running out of