the farmingdale presbyterian church in illinois was begun by is the settlers in new york in 1874.he current church was completed in 1980. the member of a 108 actively works in ministry and missions to young people. as always, we'd like to learn about your home church as well. salutes can be sent to the address on the screen. please stay with us, the mail bag is next. wlap weekly look inside the farm report mailbag. e an >> time now for weekly look inside the mail bag. we have an energy related comment from bradley west fall in rudolf, wisconsin. it seems if production can be increased with the new type of few cells then methane of any source can be produced cheaper than any other source. the original installation cost can be less than any other type except water power. bradley, thank you for your comment. many of you saw that segment on fuel cells on 60 minutes. i have been blogging about fuel cells for some time hoping they would become feasible for farms, but serious economical restrictions remain. the generations run best at constant load, not the peak and is lulls of a typical