faron peters, andy kozinski, and jennifer brooks of public works. and then, to paul stanis, our project manager, and bradley dunn, our project information manager, who worked with somcan and walk sf on this project. it was a joy, i think it'll really help, and i'd love to answer any questions you have. >> chair peskin: thank you. that is one of the most enthusiastic and joyful reports that we've received. commissioner haney is not here today. he's out of town but i'm sure will have many comments on the second read of this later this month but is supportive and appreciative of somcan and all the participants' work in this report. are there any other questions? are there any members of the public that would like to testify on this item, please come forward. >> supervisors, the filipino community has come here again and again to express their concerns on many things. to present the kind of mention that he was surprised that they had teenagers there, and that's because the filipino community, if somebody knows about cultural competency, they have extend