. >> the australian couple has been identified in the press as wendy and david farr nel. some reporting says they did offer to keep both children. 21-year-old had two children of her open and a limited income when she great to be a surrio gait. she said she'll raise gammy. her story inspired an outpouring of support. the australian charity hands across the water was founded in 2004 to tie child convictions. it started a go-fund-me page for gammy raising 200,000 in support. the controversy has gripped politicians. australia prime minister expressed his regret over the case saturday. >> it's a very, very sad story and i hate to think that, you know, a child could be abandoned like that. commercial surrogacy. money is exchanged, forbidden in australia. many couples seek the services of thai or ippian women. complications exist in the united states. would-be parents navigate a patchwork of laws ranging from those in d.c. to california, which provide a regulatory structure to support the process. and the expense sends many parents overseas. surrogacy is getting new attention,