we have cam falkner and dan isran and chris collins with urban pacific and steve vettel with farrell lebron and kinerly architecture and planning and i may be missing a few people. my apologies. thank you. >> thank you, mr. white. madame secretary do you have the speaker cards for this item? >> no speaker card for this item mr. vice chair. we have mr. gene. >> good afternoon everyone. i'm oscar james from hunters point. i like this particular project. i do have concerns on are there any units that are going to be set aside for people with disability in these units. also, will there be anything for peoples around that area who are homeless to have an opportunity to live in some of those units also. those are my questions that i'm asking for. thank you very much. thank you, mr. james. anybody else wishing to speak on the item. seeing none i will close public comment and turn to my fellow commissioners for questions or comments. commissioner singh. >> yes. do we have the list of preference holders? >> i'm sorry, commissioner, can you say that one more time? >> i can't hear you. >> he's asking