in planning for fas cal year 2010, 28 states faced fas cal risks. more money going out than coming in. states' revenue from income tax decreases, fewer working, fewer taxes paid. states need to find other ways to get your money. some don't have income tax. fees on things you use. look how some states are deal wig these budget gaps right now. give you some examples. start with idaho. idaho hopes to rake in $30 million in revenue from drivers. they cut a 2.5 cent per gallon tax exemption for biodiesel nap tax exemption is gone. 2.5 cents a gallon. added fees for driver's license, vehicle transfer titles copies records and replacing registration stickers. the kind of thing that hurts everybody, because everybody drives bought consumption tax. so it hurts people disproportionately at the low income, because whether you earn $30,000 or $300,000, you still have to get a license for your car and you have to drive. florida, adding a $1 surcharge to a tax on cigarettes. the state also added a surcharge on other tobacco products of about 60% of whole sale cos