it is the most fascinatinglicac. it's a lot of fun. >> his work links psychological and biological findings about human beings and pigeons. strange but true. pigeons have very similar brands to our own. the pit and learns to pack colors in a specific order. -- the pigeon learns to peck colors. the right combination of unlocks a reward. >> the process actions in a very similar way to rest. they learn routines and the have a plan before they act. the pigeon has the holding work out in its mind before it carries it out. >> with the left by covered, the pigeon processes the information in the right half of its brain, and vice versa. their brains work in the same is a magical way as ours. and the researchers have found that the left half works better, just like it does with humans. >> pigeons are ideal for research because they are so predictable. you give them a task, they learned, and carry it out. even if it takes them months to do so. th're incredibly reliable creatures. >> the scientists are also looking at the human