s/ fatina abdrabboh / adc- michigan :27-:37 stance against terrorism is often silenced, but we are not centennial library with a "we come united as american citizens either as immigrants, muslims, non-muslims, black, white. we are united against hate." hannah ricks just came back from greece where she volunteered to help syrian to help syrian refugees :57- 1:06 "i tell everyone if you're scared, if you're fearful, go and meet them, go and help them, go get them off the boats. they're not parents. s/ fatina abdrabboh / adc- michigan 1:09-1:21 "when rhetoric that beats the drums of hatred and bigotry goes unchecked, the realities become uglier and uglier, so we're here today gathered to better ensure that doesn't happen." down harmful stereotypes - one sign at a time. s/ jamil alaouie / attended peaceful rally 1:26-1:35 "you come to my house on thanksgiving we're having turkey, you know, we're regular americans living in this beautiful, beautiful country." the same group held an anti-isis rally last weekend -- in the aftermath of the deadly california shooting... switching gears...with a