fatma mohamed is the head of the collective, gwendoline christie is the head of the institute, whereood and theatre. have a taste of this. you're in the shops. you're looking around. items all around you. maybe you need some tomatoes for that soup. squeeze them to make sure they're ripe. you're pushing your trolley along, looking around, and there's mrs cheeverly. you don't really like her, but a quick nod of the head will suffice, and that will allow you to proceed to the dairy counter. maybe you could ask the cheese laddie to slice you a few hundred grams of taleggio and he can wrap it up for you _ he licks his fingers before taking the wrapping and you don't really like that, but you're too polite to say anything. put the cheese back in your trolley and head to the spice cabinet. some herbes de provence to sprinkle on the soup. but, wait, there's nothing like that here. look surprised. look bereft. a little more bereft. that's it. i'm laughing, but i'm afraid not necessarily in a good way. that scene rather broke me. at that point, i thought, "i'm so glad i'm going to see mark, "w