pay saying you've also got to compete against the opponents you've got so many different effects fatsis and you got to go out there and train if you're in a swimming pool if you're a swimmer who was going to train in a swimming pool there's so many different things that you called control everything and that is the problem and this is where you have simon's absolutely right that you've got to be absolutely 100 percent such that there was going to be nothing that's going to affect everyone now actually it's all in the you know with the fits healthy younger you know sort of the in that you know somebody in that. would what i'm trying to present you know the you know we're not going to be you know we're not the ones that kind of affects me die from you know coronavirus but it's about that transmission and here we coming to contact with and post it on and so on and so on so that the proper. you don't have that 100 percent certainty and then the actually we you know do you will not play on your mind you don't want that you just want to go out there before your sport you'll race you'll you kn