i am please the director is having a grip faughon this. i have to say there is a culture of contempt for the law. this is an enormous problem you have to come to grips with. as far as the texting section, i believe it should be its own department. it makes no sense to me. it has been under administration. this is not an administrative issue. this is a serious and controversial policy decisions that have to be made by people who are steeped in the industry. it should not be under finance. talk about the fox guarding the hen house. these are people who are responsible for figuring out where the money is coming from. it is our own department. -- give us our own department. thank you. >> our next speakers. >> good afternoon. i have not been here in a while. i want to welcome you. your first order of business ought to make sure that muni runs on time and does not hit people. the most faugh important thing is to keep the cab industry in line. you ought to learn about what is going on. right now -- the wonder why your department is going broke. s