crucially, favier seeks to betray the mood, placing her in a position which makes herfeel implicated, metaphor for her own life, hurtling between obstacles, unable to stop with no way out but straight ahead. slalom is available on demand now. i will leave you with a couple of titles, both of which broadly fall under the banner of horror banner, yet which could not be more different. we'll start with sator, an atmospheric mood piece written and directed byjordan graham, who worked on the film for as long as david lynch slogged away at eraserhead, shootings, scoring, doing pretty much at eraserhead, shootings scoring, designing, producing, doing pretty much everything except starring. the slow burn scenario unfold in the deep, dark woods of northern california where particular entity haunts the variously titular members of an extended family. every once in a while, ijust wake up and he is there, he talks to me. inspiration for coup apparently came from graham's grandmother june peterson, whom he recorded talking about her own experience of a guiding entity which he then worked into the