in fawlty towers, a doctor trying to make sense of some kipper—related chaos. what's that?a bit of the breakfast. is there any more tea in that pot? and in as time goes by, a second lieutenant who never quite understood the opposite sex. i really shouldn't have asked that question. you set me up! even at the start of his screen career, he played figures of authority. well, keep her going, she may blow her way through it. all right. a property agent in cathy come home. £100. £100 would barely cover the legal costs involved. i can't go to the ministry of defence and request regular army support for you on the basis of a wild tale about monsters in caves. a slightly sinister civil servant in doctor who. drink, jimmy? ten past three? almost tea time. whiskey, please. and in the fall and rise of reginald perrin, the hopeless military plotterjimmy. geoffrey palmer had himself served in the marines, and worked in an accountant‘s office before taking up acting. i never want to hear from you again, is that clear? his face and background perfect for characters that were slightly stuf