are geoff: fawn weaver co-founder of uncle nearest whiskey. so much for speaking to me. >> thank you for having me ♪ >> there's a new yearlong pride jet by the nation's poet laureate bringing poetry into focus and what's at stake due to climate change. jeffery brown reports for out in series art and action exploring the intersection of art and demock sit it's part of our candace coverage. >> it was a walk in the park with poetry. national park service ranger alusia scott reading the poetry of mary oliver. >> look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pill lars. >> oliver who died in 2019 was known for her love of nature and this was one of her favorite walks around black water pond on the cape cod national seashore in massachusetts. taking that walk this year one of today's leading poets, u.s. poet laureate adaly moan launch ago project she calls "you are here." >> i kept thinking that nature and poetry work so beautifully together to bring us a sense of awe and wonder. i feel like poetry is a way that opens us up to a deeper experience