but i can see why dr fawzi wanted to bring me up here. this is so impressive. it is indeed.ing spot. high places in ancient civilisations, including the nabataean, were really the points where you would probably get closer to your deities. and we know that the nabataean religion was based on worshipping solar deities. so this is a high spot, a nice place to look to, to the heaven, to the sun. and they sacrificed animals during certain occasions, like the festivals or feasts related to their deities. so you'd come up these steps? maybe this is the last part of the festival. they could have walked around here, couldn't they? yeah. this was a common practice in the nabataean period. and you could make... yeah, like a circle. ..circumambulation. circumambulation, like around the kaaba in ourtime. you could do this. got the water. and maybe you get the blessings from the priest, like, you know, pouring some water or blood. we don't know what was going on. at 170 metres, this is one of the highest places in petra. it does feel like it would have been a perfect spot to worship a su