bethany, the other fca, turned a couple away.hat's what led to the newspaper article in this entire set of events. and in response, i think the city acted reasonably. it had been aware of css's religious beliefs for decades -- that's joint appendix page 165 -- but had never stopped the contract because it thought that css was operating within the contract terms. they took css at its word, until they learned otherwise. and it was at that point that the city said: we're worried about being -- making the city itself a party to discrimination. and even then, they didn't declare a breach. rather, they just said the next annual contract we won't renew because they're telling us, after our investigation, they won't fulfill the terms of the contract. but, notably, of the 19 million dollars they gave css for foster care, they took two away for this child pool -- excuse me -- the parent pool function, but they left the rest intact. and to this day, css is getting 26 million dollars a year from the city, which is hardly something demonstrat