but then the testimony -- and they testified to the local government debt delimits did not exceed fcc levles. -- levels. >> we are a small group of local north beach residents who live within 25 to 50 feet of the proposed antenna. we do not have the funds to hire a lawyer. we do not have the funds to hire a professional. but our concern is very real. i just wanted to remind you that ceqa says the environmental document that is approved is appealable to an elected body. we respectfully submit that in this individual site in a residential area, it cannot be valley waited alone, and therefore is not exempt from ceqa. we are not necessarily saying that it requires the i r -- eir. but evidence indicates there are 550 reported in tennis by the cellular industry, 308 proposed on their plan, and additional antennas not on their plan, according to -- president chiu: thank you. that concludes the appellative for a bottle. that includes oral argument on items 17 through 19. first of all, i have quick questions for staff. the first is to ms. rogers from the planning staff. there was a question around wh