we brought it to the fcctaa. how about coming out of the tunnel and send those down market and keep it flowing. nobody's mentioned that. to mrs. chang, the agency hasn't requested any of those funds to do that, to work that and help out in the system. everybody is talking about what the operator is doing. every operator i've talked to said what can we do and what can they do to help this system work. no one has addressed that, please and no one has addressed me to be on this task force. >> thank you. that's it. >> next speaker, please. >> my name is angelina and we work with people in the city. i'm here because we're excited about the city having a conversation in the transit. we want to bring a social equity lens to this policy and conversation and suggest exploring ways to link performance matrix and bench mark it the way the funding is being used. we want to make sure that funding does not call harm to communities of color and concern and really not have any decrease service to existing riders. the second part