but the mostly hutu fdlr is also here.at generic local self-defense groups or specific entities like apcls or shaka. some groups, like the frpi, are principally defending a stake in a resource like gold. and others, like the raïa mutomboki are mainly interested in fighting with a particular enemy. in their case, they have a beef with the fdlr. and lots of other organizations controlling territory who haven't come up with a name or a cool acronym yet. this is only a fraction of the rebel groups in a single area of the congo. and be advised, this map was hopelessly outdated before we even got here. >> dan: it's, uh, all these variables kind of knotted into one big mess. and these are the reasons why media has a difficult time, and why the western world doesn't hear much about the congo, because how can you sum it up in a three-minute report? >> anthony: but for us, goma is just a stopover on the way to the congo river. so we need to keep moving. and roads, forget it. certainly nothing even remotely safe between goma and wher