indeed, federal pensions to union soldiers was a kind of governmental revolution such that by 1890, one third of the entire federal budget of the united states was payments of pensions to union veterans. that story, especially of guys who survived prison camps, who survived multiple years in the army who encountered all kinds of diseases, that story has only recently been researched by historians. it has been waiting to be done. that war left a terrible set of scars on hundreds of thousands of veterans. it is also true that these veterans organizations were important fraternal organizations. veterans became an important voting block in both the south and north. they were also a political force. host: we are seeing the sights and sounds of soldiers beginning to stack their arms, which would have happened 150 years ago today here at appomattox courthouse. we will go next to eagle point washington. caller: it is eagle point oregon. host: diane, i'm sorry. i had that incorrect. caller: i have a little bit of background and then a question for mr. blight. i was born in oregon, raised in oreg