from donald trump and rumors started circulating that he might even sack the head of federal reserve bank sharon powell despite hanna picking him as the chairman a year ago would require congressional approval to fire power but the news was enough to drive the markets further down in a bid to reassure investors after one of the worst weeks in a decade the treasury minister made was calling emergency phone calls to the heads of the six largest banks. jeffrey tucker editorial director of the american institute for economic research things in order to avoid a crisis u.s. trade policy among other issues should be significantly changed this is actually a very bearish sign about our economic prospects in the future and that's why people are talking about a coming recession the economy is still strong on paper if you look at the data is strong but the job of the stock market is not to read the existing data which is always about the past the job of the stock market is to anticipate the future that hasn't yet unfolded it hasn't done damage yet but but we're in a very critical moment right now things can change