to increase profitability and the demand of the population in 2030, according to the federal state statistics serviceer person per year . now, on average, russians eat 21 kg a year. the most popular commercial aquaculture, carp, is a fish that easily adapts to changes in the external environment. grows fast and has high fertility under favorable conditions, already in the first year of life it can reach 1 kg; in the second, it grows up to 2-3 kg . the biserovsky fish factory in the moscow region breeds karpov and trout. here, the full cycle of production of nantecrinkas, cultivation, processing and packaging of fish to delivery of finished products to the shelves of the company's stores has been on the market for more than 60 years, 33, of which the company is headed by andrey semyonov , he tells us about the nuances of growing karpov the first year is 25-30. g. wintering, the second year 120-180-200 g and the third year. commercial fish, about a weighty kilo of 200 and a half. here are the feeding ponds behind my back, where the doctor with the commodity carapule. there you can see feeders, that is,