he believed in expanded investment, in imprint searcher and education, in math and science. he believed in closing the federaldeficit. and, those three elements were a strategy that everybody understood whether people were for or against trade, whether they liked it paying of higher taxes necessary to close the deficit, whether they agreed or not with the additional infrastructure, expenditures and those on education, moving the country forward. they hung together with a clear strategy. years later it was attributed for success and i think president obama has to outline a clear strategy. what are the elements beyond stimulus that are a strategy for the long-term success of this country in a competitive, global environment. the president is going to need a deficit strategy. without a clear deficit strategy people are going to say it is out of control. the commission is a first step towards that strategy but at the end of the day, it is not a substitute for that strategy. and then, and you know working on the everyday problems. sometimes it is popular to ridicule a lot of things president clinton did in 96. he