with fedorchuk? in email, it was sent automatically, if nothing had happened to sipatov, he would have canceled the sending. i knew he was on the safe side, i just didn't know how. i had no choice, alexey called me, yes, i’m listening to you, i know that it was you who killed, i won’t tell the cops, if he doesn’t want to meet with the amur brotherhood, you’ll give it to your grandmother, i’m sorry, i don’t understand you. now silence is worth two lemons, i have nothing to do with it, you ’ll tell the shots, drive the money where and where, i’ll tell you later who i need time for, i don’t i can collect so much so quickly, good son, yes, his mother was killed, and he sets a price for her, and why did he blackmail you, but because 15 years ago, i embezzled money for the illegal extraction of gold. wait, it was you who stole 5 million dollars from the bandits, just militants who were transporting money , they quarreled and shot each other, and you happened to be nearby, it’s hard to believe, i couldn’t b