but, at the same time, those persons are feedi ining back in the city as well. they are making contributions in the city as well. particularly when they're able to come and maintain those institutions that, like the church, that helps those persons who are down and out. that's a part of the reciprocity that takes place with the upward mobility and the exchange of community and the sharing of community in the process. it has been healthy on the one hand. and certainly we don't want to destroy that cultural richness that is there to help people in that process. >> we've got to take a break. we'll continue on that point in just a moment. we just need to break it down into simple steps. is that house for sale again? you're changing the subject. we looked at that house. we have so much demanding our money right now but we have to save for later. right... that's the house- -with the low ceilings. the let's stick with the subject of retirement conversation. wells fargo can help with my retirement plan. a tool that gives you manageable steps for retirement. we can do it