general feinberg. ms. feinberg: mr. chief justice and may it please the court -- petitioners advance two claims, a facial challenge and an as-applied one. those claims are reviewed under exacting scrutiny, the standard this court has long applied to reporting and disclosure requirements. to prevail on their facial claim, petitioners must demonstrate that california's schedule b requirement is unconstitutional in all or at least many of its applications. the petitioner's evidence centered only on their own organization. they did not show that california's confidential collection of the same information that charities already provide to the irs chills associational interest in general or for a substantial number of charities in the state. at the same time, the state's upfront collection of schedule b's is substantially related to important oversight and law enforcement interests. schedule b's are used routinely by state charity regulators to evaluate complaints. when examined with other documents, schedule b helps investi