the project was set up by rapper fekky to tackle deprivation in his area. i grew up in lewisham.und. and that's why it is very important for me to give back because they are like me and i am like them. i've got success and i would love to see many people from my area have the same success. jeremiah is one of the young people borrowing the laptops. it keeps me out of trouble. i'm able to do stuff, web designing and coding, and i feel like that's good for me. a survey suggests more than one in ten children in london don't have access to a laptop or computer outside of school. many have struggled to learn at home during lockdown. a lot of the young people, i despite them even being given devices by their schools, - there were various other barriers, so whether it was access to internet or whether it was actually— knowing how to use the laptops, i and a lot of them had to share these devices between siblings. it teaches them how to become laptop savvy. security on laptops and it encourages them to work. fekky wants the project to open up more opportunities for children, and jeremiah