and for more i'm joined by dr felix klein his journeys and images and commissioner in frankfurt i welcome dr klein as we heard the father if d. is trying to change the culture of remembrance that is so unique and so important to germany how divided are you that they will succeed. well they have attempted and we've seen several attacks against our remembrance culture and unfortunately we have to accept that many people in germany think. that way and of course government and all the other parties should work out strategies to show and to make it clear to the german public that our remembrance culture has made our democracy strong and is really an asset for and for for our society and so what this is. as a new generation grows up in you and to me dr ken how do you see the culture of remembrance evolving. well the question is always. how how do we present the remembrance culture to the younger generations also to also to migrans people who've come to germany recently and we have to find new forms of remembrance culture that that appeals to everybody and of course it is. appalling to note that