catcalling a woman on the street, i want you to speak up and speak out and go up to the woman, like feminista jones says and go up and call them out for their harassing behavior. don't just ignore it and pretend it's not a problem, because it is. do not say what an administrator said to my friend, rape is like football, you might want to review your plays and see if you would have made different choices. you going to more like john say that stand up and rape can happen in any kind of relationship. he is the first person to testify about rape in same-sex relationships. talk back to george will who made this idiotic notion that being raped is somehow a privilege that contains a coveted status. out usingors spoke that #to say no. i'm here to say that you need to make your move now. you need to stand alongside the allies in public. i know it is easy to be cynical, but i'm optimistic because campaigns like this one are shifting the conversation away from what women can do to prevent rapes and onto maybe we should change the behaviors of the potential rapist. point withet to the an answer to the question