ferange and to stores that have the name ferange. no city.want to protest against conservatives who are afraid of any change and accuse every person who seeks justice for the pain of deprived people and the deprived. festival. against those in the name of sustainable development. they sustain the development. ammar festival to protest hypocrisy is hypocritical. objection to the sacred petrification of muawi, objection to the past, to addressing non-priority issues, objection to standing against the change and reformism of the holy artless and cunning hypocrites. emar festival of advanced narration. narration of the movement towards the top and the narrative of the challenges of climbing to the top and how to overcome these challenges . ammar festival, the collective identity of the iranian people . he lives today and realizes the problems of the ammar festival hewitt is paying attention, but he is not paying attention. he is looking forward to the festival of amal. the right distribution of freedom in the country is aimed at all people being