my questions are for chairman ferc.cerned that ferc is second guessing what the commission made under the prior. for example, recently issued five notices of intent to prepare new rules and the environmental impact projects for which ferc already determined that final environmental assessment was sufficient, so going forward, chairman ferc glick can they make final decisions and then stick with the decisions? >> thank you for the question, ms. lesko. >> they never said those reviews were insufficient. those were staff analyses and didn't make that determination either. we are dealing with the acquirements and i want to use an example over the last several years, the courts have repeatedly said ferc is not doing this right. and other agencies are not essentially reviewing the pipelines sufficiently in terms of the environmental impact. what happens is we issue the orders and at the court to sentence them back to us and it takes several years to go back over the initial reviews and all it does is cost extra money and many