when the mall today these men sit side by side in community based social ferebee to share their experience of hearing on the stockist the 994 genocide 25 years ago and went up to a 1000000 tutsis a moderate hutus were wiped out in just $100.00 days but it would divide it among those who carried out the killings and those who survived it. memories of being on the run and how his pregnant wife had to give birth and hiding it. we couldn't find a way that baby would survive being with us but i still have friends who i was doing business with they helped me and they took my newborn at night to woman who run an orphanage at. the baby stage but a few days later the perpetrators went to look for him they took my baby and killed him. up don their lives a peaceful life with his wife. but he struggles with the guilt of not being able to protect the 12 members of his family who were killed during the genocide similarly former release perpetrators like every easter have served their sentence are still haunted by what they call the shame of their past he says he's guilty of killing 4 people including to