this is not as easy as fergal makes it look.e a real passion for you, haven't they? well, ironically enough, that goes back to me becoming chairman of the amwell magna — in that, as part of the handover, i began to realise that there had been a big issue involving the drop in the volume of water in the river. it's a conversation that had actually been going on with the environment agency and the local water company for 15, 16 years. i could not comprehend why anybody was still talking about something 16 years later. so what that taught me was, itjust made me curious as to why, ultimately, a bunch of old men who just wanted to go fishing had to go to all of thah trouble with the charity and spend a year and a half digging out information, freedom of information requests, putting our case together, taking the environment agency to the high court, just to get them to do the right thing. it does seem extraordinary, doesn't it? i stupidly, kind of philosophically went, "if we had to do all of that, what else isgoing on?" at that poin