. >> i'm fernando alvarez, and a state licensed cannabis event organizer. i want to just show my support for this measure. when you look at the state guidelines from an events standpoint, to a consumption standpoint, there are rules and regulations that help build the model that we can have these creernts events a safe, and responsible way. i'm speaking here in favor. we're a state licensed cannabis event organizer. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. supervisor stefani. >> thank you, chair fewer. through the chair, may i ask supervisor manhandleman and question? >> chairwoman: yes. >> i would like to know if you can explain the public safety reasons behind this legislation? >> yeah. and maybe -- with all due respect to some of the public comment, i think it is important to recognize what this legislation is not allowing is the widespread public consumption, by any means, smoking or otherwise, of cannabis. what this is particularly allowing is events where cannabis can be consumed and smoked in the discretion of the city, if it