it's a three-hour road trip to ferndale, new york. your waist. and then your hips. >> reporter: first stop, the weigh-in. brian checks in at 225 pounds. >> when i was being measured, i felt a little embarrassed at my own size, physically. >> reporter: audrey weighs 114 pounds. at age 11, she hits the 98th percentile in weight for her height. for years, her pediatrician suggested she slim down. >> knowing my exact weight makes me want to work harder. and it makes me happier to know that i'm going to be helping myself. >> reporter: over the next six weeks their priority is to lose that weight. break old habits and hopefully create new, healthier ones. you can call it the four "e." eating, exercise, education, and emotion. we check in with brian after spending two weeks at the camp. what makes you sad in your life outside of this camp? >> i guess being bullied at school. >> reporter: what happens? >> people make fun of me, like left and right. i couldn't turn a corner in the hallway without being made fun of? >> reporter: so you ate to make yourself