. >> have matt lewis, senior contributor of the daily caller and columnist, and susan ferrechio ferc with the washington examine her and past the new democratic network. >> now, a lightning round. is "new york times" and "washington post" and others calling donald trump a racist and liar and bully has an impact on the campaign? >> no. they are right. they are allowed to do it as an editorial and he is lying, but i don't think it matters because i think it maybe helps him. >> the people who support trump, it is a backlash against political correctness and liberal media. >> simon, he stole my question, is this a backlash against this language on the media's part and can that actually end up helping trump? >> possible, but the evidence so far is that trump is having a hard time growing beyond this core base that he has, 30 percent or 35 percent of the republicans. if he is going to be president he has to get moderate republicans and independents and moderate democrats and you look with hillary clinton he is the worst of all the major candidates so it could be firing up the troops but no