the conductor was a close friend of the author, the hungarian-german composer ferrens this. in dozens of cities in germany, in prague, vienna, türich, london. in munich , the future king of bavaria ludwig ii attended the premiere. according to the sketches of the scenery by lohengrin, he built his neuwenstein castle. lohengrin became the first opera by wagner, staged on the russian stage in 1868 in the mariinsky theatre. on august 28, 1910 , the kingdom of montenegro was proclaimed, gaining independence from the ottomans. since the 15th century montenegro was part of the ottoman empire, although the country's territory was smaller than it is today. for example, all the lands on the sea, including buddhva and kotor, were under the rule of the venetian republic. at the end of the eighteenth century, the montenegrins defeated the troops of mahmud pasha, their lands actually became independent, although... the red army helped liberate themselves, and the country became one of the six people's republics within yugoslavia. and since 2006, montenegro has been an independent