the roll commissioner scott commissiioner lim commissioner breslin supervisor farrell commissioner ferrigno commissioner follansbee commissioner sass excused we have quorum. >> thank you. >> we'll take action item one item one approval and possible modifications of the minutes. >> thank you item one action item approval with the minutes so forth the regular meeting the january 14, 2016. >> are there any edits, amendments are comments to the minutes. >> i'm trying to get open. >> i understand i'll ask those of you who are new in the audience from the last minute we have new technology something called an i pad not on ipod and all of us have gone through training and the consultant with the city has been with us and we all have to take a manner to be patient. >> it is page 7. >> page 7. >> i think the gentleman responded a two-part question whether or not the forms i'm still not there we're available electronically you said no, i think that's my understanding include the answers towards the bottom of page 7. >> from the minutes. >> from the minutes. >> oh, i'm sorry we're on the agenda i'm ou