we're not talking madonna or ferris buler. coming back into play today.o acquire joseph a. bank which had previously made a bid for men's warehouse. >> joseph banks said we would be open to a similar deal. and men's wharehouse could do i. joseph a. banks is somewhat vulnerable. >> that was interesting. now the 80s play that was a little bit before my time but it stands out because it was such an unusual defense. this set up perfectly for men's warehouse. i think at the end of the day these two will come to some sort of an agreement. they can both see very clearly the synergies of being together. i think they are both open to it. >> what do you do with the shares now? do you get out? >> i sold some, i kept some. if the deal is all cash it could close quicker. i don't have a huge position. >> tim and i have no comment. >> awe. >> that's really cute, guys. >> does this validate the men's warehouse from totally laying away from the bid. >> i don't know. they are lucky, smart, whatever. the overlap of shareholders is pretty big. >> a lot of hedge funds on both