this is a neighborhood that has currently no open space, no green santa fetion. ~ space. we he don't have a center for recreation. [speaker not understood]. proposed district everyone has a major thoroughfare. [speaker not understood]. a lot of proposed folks in the cbd [speaker not understood]. they are plagued by crime, prostitution, drug use, violence, et cetera. it's also truly a mixed use commercial residential neighborhood and also the edge of two different supervisorial districts some time don't get the full focus it should receive. short presentation. lower polk once again, chrisy and david chiu talked about what is a community benefit district. a community benefit district is basically a special assessment district that provides for the levying collection assessments within a specifically defined geographicalary. in the past san francisco has 14 cbds as a highly funding mechanism for district improvements, services and activities. assessing revenue for the benefit of properties, [speaker not understood], the services and activities will be provided to a specifica